Sunday, 24 April 2011

10. Bodybuilding Terminology / Glossary

Please note that these terminologies are only in relation to how they are used for bodybuilding. There may be other more detailed explanations of these terminologies as they are often medical terms as well as bodybuilding terms. Finally I did only the term that I could think of so this is in no way an exhaustive list of bodybuilding terms.   A Adenosine Triphosphate: A substance found in all cells, but particularly in muscle cells. When split by enzyme action, energy is produced. The substance which stores the energy of the muscle Amino Acids: Amino acids are the basic structural building units of proteins. They form short polymer chains called peptides or polypeptides which in turn form structures called proteins. Anabolic: the processes of metabolism that result in growth of muscle...

9. Bodybuilding - Anatomy Chart (Interior and Posterior)


8. Bodybuilding - Routines and Workouts

8.1.1 Four Days per Week beginners Workout The above is a four day split do workout 1 on Monday, workout two on Tuesday, rest Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday repeat workout 1and workout 2 again then rest Saturday and Sunday. For people wanting to lose weight I suggest a 15 min stationary bike before the workout and 30 min after the workout. Another suggestion is to do your aerobics on the non-workout days (Sunday Wednesday and Saturday) Diet is 90% of the work this is really hard to get through to novices you can’t force development with exercise; you must use diet to see results. So, let’s talk about diet. Those not want to lose weight I...

7. Bodybuilding - Eating to grow

7.1 VitaminsIn order for your body to perform at its maximum potential it can not be deficient in any area, vitamins and minerals included. Being deficient in any area can cause a break down in the body’s ability to perform, which can lead to other issues. Many years ago, in the time of Christopher Columbus the sailors knew when they went on long trips they would feel tired and listless, their fingertips would bleed for no reason,  they would bruise easily, have swollen gums and bone would break with little or no pressure on them. Somehow they learned that by packing sufficient supply of vegetables and fruit these symptoms would not develop....

6. Bodybuilding - Selecting a Gym

Ok you now know how to do the movements and what general body part the movements are for. The next thing you must do is decide where to do the movements. I personally workout at home, I have a very diversified selection of weight lifting machines in my basement, and I replace the older machine with new ones every two or three years.  With that said I would suggest that no newbie buy any exercise equipment until he has at least a year of dedicated lifting under his belt. I have seen the ®Bow Flex machines in living rooms use as clothes hanger more than exercise equipment. And even though the Bow Flex people don’t mind it is a waste of money....

5. Bodybuilding - Compound movement

In bodybuilding there are three movements that everyone wants to know how well you can do. They are bench press squat and dead lift these three movements are the foundation to every thing you can do in the sport. Even people that know nothing about lifting weight will always ask you “What your bench press” these three movements are compound movements and as I said earlier they employ more muscle and so generate more results. I prefer for beginners to do only compound movement since they will result in the greatest changes the quickest. Let’s talk about what they are;  Chest                 Bench press...

4. Bodybuilding - Training Frequency and Duration

This is where I get into trouble! Every trainer that you will meet will tell you that beginners should train three times per week on nonconsecutive days. And for the most part that is true. But three times per week assumes some things that is not true for everyone. Just as I said you should lift the heaviest weight possible and still complete the firs set. I will say that you should lift as often as possible and not over train. So how do I know if I’m over training? If you are tired most of the time and you got 8 hours sleep correct amount of protein you are over-training, if your muscle are still sore form w one workout to the next you are at risk of over-training. If you spend more than 1 hour in the gym you are at risk of over-training. If your workout has more than 24 set for small body...

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