Sunday 24 April 2011

7. Bodybuilding - Eating to grow

7.1 Vitamins

In order for your body to perform at its maximum potential it can not be deficient in any area, vitamins and minerals included. Being deficient in any area can cause a break down in the body’s ability to perform, which can lead to other issues. Many years ago, in the time of Christopher Columbus the sailors knew when they went on long trips they would feel tired and listless, their fingertips would bleed for no reason,  they would bruise easily, have swollen gums and bone would break with little or no pressure on them. Somehow they learned that by packing sufficient supply of vegetables and fruit these symptoms would not develop. These symptoms of Scurvy and the anecdotal solution was the first proof that vitamins and mineral helped the body perform correctly.

I will not go into what each vitamin does that for another time. But I will say, that just because it is called a vitamin for bodybuilders does not mean it is a good vitamin. In my 25 years of training there are only three vitamins that I have found seem to not only support my performance but also to boost performance and they are; GNC’s Ultra-Mega for men, the multivitamin calcium pack by an online company called Melaluca, and a
vitamin that I was so thrilled with that I sell it my self it called “Vemma” these three are head and shoulders above the rest. If you can’t get one of these I suggest that you get something, as there is no explaining the value that a good vitamin will have in your life. Please do not try to save money by going to the pharmacy and getting “One a Day” or Centrum they are almost useless. As a matter of fact I will say this do not let cost be an issue on the quality of vitamin you get buy the absolute best quality you can find.

7.2 Bodybuilder's Essential Supplements

There are a lot of theories as to what are the essential supplements of bodybuilders. I think there will be no argument if I said a multi-vitamin/multi-mineral combination. I have my opinion of what else in included in that list but the next few are generally accepted as essential.
7.2.1 Protein;  Whey Protein; First on my list are whey proteins, many years ago during the Golden Area of Bodybuilding muscle heads took 10’s even hundreds of liver tablets daily to get the essential protein needed for their bodies. Today whey protein has almost completely replaced ever other type of protein. Whey proteins are quick to the blood stream. It is quickly available for muscle recovery (remember the difference between recovery and sleep?) and it is loaded with all the essential amino acids. Even rated over red meats (but under eggs) Whey Protein was considered the perfect bodybuilders protein. For the novice bodybuilder whey protein is a must have. 

Caseinate; Today Whey Proteins are taking a back seat to another type of protein called “Casein or Caseinate Protein” Just like whey, casein is found in milk but unlike whey casein had until recently been considered a waste product of milk. The process that makes milk a cheese causes a curdling effect that separates casein from milk. Unlike whey which is quick to digest in the stomach, casein forms a gel allowing for slow digestion. When used just before bed casein regulates a slow steady flow of protein into the bloodstream, allowing you to actually build muscle while you are asleep. Casein is also very high in the amino acid glutamine, a “conditionally essential2” amino acid necessary for repair of muscle tissue after exercise, arguments with spouse or any other form of stress. For the novice bodybuilder casein protein is a must have.

7.2.2 Amino Acids the building blocks of Protein

I was once told as a brick is to a house, so is an amino acid is to protein. This little statement has worked wonders in teaching me to understand what amino acids are and their function. Remember, “As a brick is to a house, so is an amino acid is to protein” sounds mystical doesn’t it? Of the 20 amino acids needed for the human body3, nine are considered essential ( some argue that 13 are essential) and 11 are non-essential. Essential amino acids are those that the body can not produce itself and must be gotten from diet. Nonessential amino acids the body can produce when needed. When we eat the protein from our foods are broken down into amino acids in our digestive system. By reattaching the amino acids into different combinations the body synthesizes (makes) the amino acids that it needs.

Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA); There are two basic thought on the value of BCAA (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) for bodybuilders. The first is that BCAA decrease exercise-induced protein degradation and/or muscle enzyme release (stop damage to the muscle). The second is that it is believe that during aerobic stress, BCAA are assimilated by the muscle rather then the liver thus stopping catabolism (the eating away of muscle
tissue). That was a moth full of jibber-jabber; basically they stop damage to the muscles, allowing for faster recovery after exercise. For the novice bodybuilder I would say take enough protein and you should be OK. Branch chain amino acids may be an unnecessary expense until you have at least 12 months of training under your belt.
Glutamine; When everyone else was promoting Creatine, I was pushing l-Glutamine. I have always felt this was the most important of all amino acids for bodybuilders, but I just did not have any proof. I knew this conditionally essential amino acid was a work horse for the body I had anecdotal evidence and I wanted the world to know. At one time creatine cost so much more than glutamine now the reverse is true. People are seeing this amino acid is the real deal.

Glutamine is considered conditionally essential because under certain conditions we are unable to make adequate amounts in the body and thereby need to get it from food sources.. Studies have shown that our body's level of glutamine is drops during times of extreme physical stress, like major surgery, when burned, during starvation, when we have serious infections and even prolonged exercise. Sine this amino acid make up
almost half of all amino acids in the body large daily doses of 25 to 30 grams of glutamine daily will get the body into optimal performance. Just like a vitamins deficiency, an amino acid deficiency can cause all kinds of problems to the body. For the novice I would say this amino acid should be on your must have list.

7.2.3 Do you want a drink of water?

Water; Who would of thunk-it, water would be an essential supplement? You should have! When we get into the next supplement you will see how important water is. I bet you think you know the rule 8 glasses of water
daily right? Wrong! I will say this just once “You need at least one once of water for every pound of bodyweight daily” OK I lied I’ll say it again, “You need at least one once of water for every pound of bodyweight daily” a 200lb man should take in at least 200 oz of water that much more than the 64 oz you were taught.

The average bodybuilder takes in large amount of supplements daily, water helps your supplements work better, especially those vitamins that are water soluble like vitamin C, and b complexes. Water flushes out the toxins that build daily in the body. When the body is in short supply of water it will retain water giving you that puffy smooth look, by drinking water you body will stop retaining water and start showing that strong and vascular body that you worked for.

If there is not enough water in the body the kidneys can’t function which means the duties of the kidneys is done by the liver. If the liver is doing the kidney’s work it can’t burn fat which is one of its own functions. I can go on and own with why you need water but the bottom line is you must drink lots of it. Please note that the rage today is spring or filtered water they have their benefits but do not go a day without drinking at least 16 oz of faucet water it has some positive properties.

For all bodybuilders I would say water should be at the top of your must have list.

7.2.4 Creatine N02, AKG and AAKG

Creatine; Am I the only person in the world that does not advocate the use of Creatine?
High school gym lockers around the country are full of bottles of creatine monohydrate. Young boys in an effort to get bigger and stronger for football are using this supplement with amazing success. If everyone is so successful using creatine Troy why don’t you advocate it use? Simple the result reverse when the supplement stops, and since you can’t continually supplement with creatine you will lose your results. As I said earlier I choose glutamine over creatine many years ago and today I would suggest other supplement over creatine now. Some of the choices are 
N02; This supplement claims to give supper pumps that last for days, and though I have not felt and day long pumps I seem to bigger and stronger when using it. Just like creatin monohydrate when you stop you loose all results. I think this is better than creatine but would not add it to my must have list.

Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AKG); is a salt formed by combining two molecules of the amino acid Arginine and one molecule of alpha-ketoglutarate. Many athletes use AKG with the goal of increases muscle size and strength. Like glutamine AKG has been medically used to treat burns and in recovery form surgery. AKG has a god awful taste and for that reason many bodybuilder don’t take it. Because there is need for such high doses, taking it in capsule form can become difficult. For the novice I would say this supplement should be on your must have list after about a year of training. 

L Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate (AAKG) this conditionally essential supplement has it going on it pretty expensive but it you want real size and full muscle bellies this one is for you. I would say the very soon people will compare this to glutamine for bodybuilding success. There is only one company that I know that has pure AAKG in power form it NOW For the novice I would say this supplement should be on your must have list after about a year of training.

2 A conditionally essential amino acid is an amino acid that is normally nonessential but may become essential and must be supplied by food under certain physiologic conditions where the body needs more of the amino acid than it can produce.

3 The 20 amino acids are alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine, and valine.


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