
Saturday 23 April 2011

1. History of Bodybuilding

A little history will give us a connection to those that came before us. Let us learn from the past that we shall not repeat it. In 1926 York Barbell Company produced the first commercially manufactured barbell set and the area of bodybuilding took off. For the first time the strength training was based on this barbell. From about the late 1920’s to the late 1930’s the Mecca of bodybuilding was York Pennsylvania, the home of York Barbell Company and Bob Hoffman the founder. Bob Hoffman (right) the "Father of World Weightlifting," was the driving force for weightlifting and health for over 30 years combined with his monthly magazine Strength and Health later to be called Muscular Development Bob Hoffman single handedly created bodybuilding as we know it today!

Someone told me that bodybuilding started back in the time of the ancient Greeks. I’ve also heard it said that bodybuilding started in the 11th or12 century in India. Both of these may be correct but when you or I think of bodybuilding we don’t think of ancient Greeks or a thousand year old Indians, we think of muscle beach, We think of the time which is affectionately know as “The Golden Age of Bodybuilding” this was the time when dinosaurs like John Gremek (upper-center) and Clarence Ross (right) walked the earth. This was a time when women strength was more than a side show for the men’s competition and people like Abby Stockton (bottom) wrote for Muscle and Fitness magazine.During this time bodybuilders were big and strong, many competed in strength contest as well as bodybuilding shows. Most were considered health freaks and super athletes. Not many could afford to live off the winning or the endorsements of a supplement company almost all had some other type of job be it trainer, writer for a magazine, or plumber they all worked.

Today we have an expression for a bodybuilder with a symmetrical physic “X-Men” while back in the day most were x-men and the most  famous of all was Steve Reeves. Before Steve Reeves every bodybuilder was after mass (somewhat like today) no one had ever thought to combine natural symmetry with mass to develop the idea body. And to this day he is still the most famous of  all the X-Men type bodybuilders.

It would not be fair to mention symmetry without saying the name of Frank Zane, at 180 lbs was and still is one of the most amazing thinkers of the sport of bodybuilding. Just like everyone in his time Frank Zane had another job teaching math and chemistry so for him bodybuilding was a hobby! In 1968 this little guy with great lines did  the unthinkable he beat the great Arnold Schwarzenegger for the 1968 Mr. Universe one week after winning the Mr. America now everyone had to take Frank serious so serious in fact he went on to win the 1977, 78 and 79 Mr. Olympia and be known today as one of the greatest bodies of all time.

For many people the Golden Age of Bodybuilding (1940 to 1970 was what bodybuilding was all about. The competitors were huge, and Strong and still could relate to the everyday person. Some bodybuilders like Steve Reeves and Reg Parks (seen here with Fay Span in 1961 Hercules and the Captive Women) could also become  movies stars because of their natural good looks. but for the most part many of the great bodybuilders of history will never been known to you and I. Everyone knows the story of Joe Weider how he came to the United States with less than 10 bucks and in pocket and formed the multibillion dollar business now known as the IFBB (International  Federation of Bodybuilders) and the Weider publishing company.  

During the golden Age there  may not have been anyone that has done more for bodybuilding the Joe Weider.
He sponsored the great Arnold ( no last name needed) and together they created this physical fitness rush that we see today.

1 comment:

  1. Bodybuilding is my passion and it is in my blood . I just say bodybuilding serves a great purpose in teens and also other age disparities, the only important thing to consider is the better approach for My latest blog post bodybuilders and understanding your body efficiently.
    get shredded
